Quantum healing has been shown to be incredibly effective for healing a wide range of conditions. From chronic diseases to common ailments, the nature of quantum healing has no boundaries. But why is this the case? Rather than healing at the surface level, or simply treating symptoms, this form of healing seeks to reach a much deeper level by altering one’s energy. Since energy exists in every part of the body, changing the flow of energy can even help treat the most challenging conditions.
Read MoreAfter Death Communication:
Kelly's mother had passed away many years ago - just as Kelly was becoming a woman. The void that came from this loss was immense. Her mother had not been there to guide her through some of her most life changing events, marriage, children, divorce. She was certain her mother was looking down upon her from Heaven, disappointed.
Read MoreThe emerging pandemic is already a watershed of the early 21st century: things won’t ever be the same. Yet for all that the havoc that the virus is wreaking, directly and indirectly, it may also be part of the bitter medicine the global body needs.How could adding another crisis to an already crisis-ridden planet possibly be medicinal?
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