The answers to your faq’s on QHHT®, BQH and Regressive Hypnosis as well as the FEE SCHEDULE:

QHHT® and BQH are very similar modalities, approached in their own unique way. Both have a similar framework and outcome. WheN I refer to QHHT® in this information, know that it also applies to BQH.

If you suffer from anxiety or other health conditions, you may want to consider quantum healing hypnosis to help you reduce or overcome the symptoms.

Do you feel like you have unexplained fears that you’re unable to root in the history of the life you’re living?

Do you feel as if you still have unanswered questions — a constant nagging and a sense that, in spite of it all, there’s still something that you’re not quite “getting”?

Perhaps you experience stress, depression, or physical pain that you need help with.

Do you wish to kick a habit, lose weight, sleep better, alleviate the heavy feeling of depression?

Are you looking for a life coach? (You always have the ability to continue to work with me after your session to continue to improve your well being and life.)

If so, then you might be surprised to learn you’re already a candidate for past life regression.

If you’re skeptical — or just unsure of what exactly regressive healing hypnosis is — then I encourage you to keep reading to understand the potential benefits of regression and better understand how it works.

The answers you seek aren’t as far away as you might think.

The Benefits of Regression

Before I get into the specifics of how regressive healing hypnosis works, let’s take a look at just a few of the countless benefits exploring this type of healing can offer.

A Boost to your Mental Health

Stress and anxiety are certainly on the rise across the nation. Whether that anxiety comes from uncertainty about the future, clinical depression, or just constantly comparing yourself to others depends on the individual.

While the causes may vary, the numbers usually don’t:

An astounding 60% of people say that they feel stressed out at least three days every week.

So, how can regression hypnosis give you the mental health relief you so desperately need?

Often times the things that we fear the most are connected to traumas that happened to us in our past. Many of us deal with irrational fears or phobias, things we “can’t explain” or “don’t understand.”

And while traditional counseling can help, sometimes, it doesn’t get to the true root of the problem. When you confront these past events directly and safely from a higher perspective, you can finally integrate the new understanding of the situation and ultimately release and move on from it.

Don’t let past traumas impact the life you’re living now.

Increased Self Awareness

regressIVE HYPNOSIS also helps you to get to know yourself better — and to stop the constant, harsh judgments that you so often put upon yourself.

You’ll finally be able to let go of the things that were holding you back, but you’ll also feel lots of self-love and self-worth for the incredible strength you showed in your past lives.

You’ll learn how to look at challenges in new ways, you’ll be able to let go of the things that were stopping you from being happy, and most of all, you’ll be able to truly appreciate what you have now.

You might even notice that, after your regression session, you seem to be able to think much more clearly!

This is because you’re allowing the perspectives from your past to inform the decisions you make in the present. You’re putting into practice the things you learned through past experience.

Once you understand yourself better, you’ll also be able to strengthen your relationship with the people around you.

This type of hypnosis is especially effective in helping you develop a sense of empathy for the troubles of others. Once you understand the kinds of things you’ve lived through and dealt with in a past life, you’ll be much more receptive to the emotions and reactions of others.

Your Spirituality will Blossom

A fear of dying isn’t at all uncommon — but often, it comes from what’s really a fear of the unknown.

When you make the decision to take part in regressive hypnosis, however, you’ll be able to be guided by people who have passed on, in addition to the lives that you once lived.

This will help to end that fear of the unknown.

You’ll understand that there are always people waiting on the other side to help you in both life and death. You may even be able to speak with friends and family members who have passed onto the other world in the process!

Above all, regressive hypnosis does a wonderful job of centering and focusing you spiritually. When we understand who we are at a soul level and clearly see our purpose here on Earth, suddenly life begins to unfold as a beautiful flower in the Iight of the sun.

If you currently feel out of touch with your spiritual life, this is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Understanding how Regression Sessions Work

Now that you understand just a few of the many benefits of past life regression, I know you’re anxious to understand how exactly it all works!

Though it will require a willingness to believe and to understand on your behalf, it’s likely not as complicated as you might initially think.

Keep on reading to find out how you can connect with your past selves, and how the process connects with the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® and the other modality I offer, Beyond Quantum Healing. Both follow the similar steps and both produce similar session outcomes.

Step One: The Change in Consciousness

What is the first step in a regression session?

You and I will work together to ensure that you’re in the right mental state to meet with your past selves.

This is where the technique of Quantum Healing Hypnosis or Beyond Quantum Healing begins to come into play. I will help to relax you and speak to you in soothing tones so that soon you’ll be able to become hypnotized.

I understand that, for many, the idea of hypnosis is confusing and even overwhelming, but it shouldn’t be.

You simply relax, trust in me and focus on the words and images that I give you.

I will describe beautiful scenery and encourage you to let go of any tension that you’re holding in your body. Soon, you’ll begin to allow yourself to be hypnotized.

Once you’ve entered this hypnotic state, you open yourself up to all kinds of incredible communication.

Step Two: Uncovering your Past

I, as your practitioner, am there to help you to uncover your own memories, and in some cases, even introduce you to the people who helped to shape these lives.

You may not be aware of your high level of engagement, but trust when I tell you that, even in a hypnotic state, you’ll be a very active participant in your regression session.

As your practitioner, I will allow you to explore any emotions or feelings that come up. In most cases, those things that want to be heard will find a way to make themselves heard.

This means that they’ll “push their way to the front” while you’re under hypnosis.

So, if you get an especially strong feeling, taste, smell, or any other type of signal from your body, you’ll tell the practitioner, or they’ll ask you questions to help them understand what you’re experiencing.

Step Three: Confronting the Past

Is there a common misconception about regressive hypnosis? There is, many people have been concerned that it will be very difficult and sad.

While you should certainly expect to encounter some unpleasant emotions and experiences especially if you sought out this modality because of emotional blocks, that’s just a part of the experience.

You should also understand that you will definitely feel happiness, serenity, and even a deep sense of enlightenment over the course of the session.

If and when those difficult feelings do present themselves — and they likely will, I will talk and guide you through it. You must confront them, as in doing it will lead you to the path of healing that you’ve been looking for.

In general, you should expect your QHHT® or BQH session to last anywhere from three to four hours.

You are likely to receive many answers to the questions and healing you seek in a single session.

Step Four: Ending the Session

Just as I guided you through your entire session, I will also help to guide you gently and safely out of your session.

You will slowly be encouraged to transition back to the waking world via a counting mechanism. You will gradually regain a more traditional sense of consciousness.

Be aware that you may experience a wide range of emotions at the end of a session. You may feel intense and immediate relief, you may find that you want to cry, or you may feel tired and in a state of bliss.

This is all completely normal — just another part of the process.

I will spend some time talking to you after the session has ended.

We will go over what came up, address any unanswered questions and much more.

You’ll also be able to discuss feelings that you’re dealing with as a result of the session. So, feel free to talk about anything and everything!

Remember to journal after your session. Doing this helps you to keep track of everything you learned and more things that might come during your dreams.

You will receive an audio recording of your session. I encourage you to listen to it often.


The Subconscious has the ability to identify physical problems it detects within the body to the Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or from your past. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if so, is done with no pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved by the Subconscious.

Over the course of her career, Dolores Cannon, the creator of QHHT® had conducted sessions with clients where the physical healing that occurs had been challenging for even her to comprehend. She had been teaching her technique to students all over the world for a decade and many write back detailing miraculous accounts of a similar nature.

“Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.” ~Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon, the founder of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sharing her favorite QHHT® session stories:

The two paths to transcendence: One is to look out at the universe and see yourself, and the other is to look within yourself and see the universe.    


The fee for a QHHT® or a BQH session is a flat $350 regardless of the length of the session. I never want my clients to feel that they must rush through a session. I am committed to excellence and take great care to ensure my clients receive the best experience possible. Allot 3.5 - 4 hours for the 1st session.

Though follow-up sessions are not always necessary, I am happy to work with repeat clients who want to further explore their past or work on their continued growth and development. Follow-up sessions are typically shorter, lasting 2.5--3 hours depending on the client’s goals and are priced at $300.


I am currently only conducting in-person sessions at my Upper Valley VT location.


I offer BQH and Energy Medicine Sessions online via ZOOM. Please email me for pricing.


To book an appointment, contact me using the “Contact” page on this website. Together we’ll select a mutually agreeable date/time/session type/location. Once a date is confirmed, session payment may be made through this website under the “Services” offered page, or through Venmo or PayPal.


I am certified in QHHT®(Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), which is only available in-person. I am also certified in BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing), which is available both in-person and online via ZOOM. Both are priced the same way and both produce similar outcomes.


I offer group regressions for a fee of $50 per person. To book a private group regression session, I require a minimum of 10 participants (or the minimum of $500 if you’d like fewer people in your private session). Private regression sessions, unless I have offered them to the public as a whole, and provided the space for the regression, are typically done at the person’s home that’s booking the group session. A quiet space is necessary for participants to enter into the trance state. I also find it easier if the participants have an option to lie down with say a yoga mat and a pillow for comfort. Please note that I am willing to travel to your location, within a reasonable distance, for a travel fee of $0.75/mile.

Group Regression Sessions are a lighter level of trance and a different method than my normal sessions. It is a guided visual meditation. These are meant to be fun, though they do produce some pretty exciting results. I typically include a guided meditation of a regression to a past life and a second to meet your spirit guide.

My group regression sessions last 60-90 minutes, which allows for a few warm-up visualization practices and leaves time for sharing experiences after the guided visualization is over. People seem to really enjoy sharing their experiences, though it is not mandatory. I leave that up to the client’s individual choice. It’s always interesting to hear about the amazing experiences people have when they do this!

Group Regression Sessions are available in-person only.

Consider hosting a Group Regression Session at your next party, reunion, shower, family get-together. There are so many fun ways to incorporate this into your next gathering!! I do offer them on evenings and weekends when scheduling permits.